Tips For Preparing Your Yacht For Transport

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Date: 09/09/2020
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When you buy your first yacht, the manufacturer is usually able to guide you regarding the best delivery/transportation method you can use to take your yacht for transportation to your destination. Sometimes, they throw in the service with the sale, but it’s usually reserved for local transports (or is only available for certain distances). But after that, you are on your own. 

Let’s assume you’ve purchased a yacht, and you need to take it home, which is a sizeable distance away. You have two options available. You can either sail/motor the yacht to the distance yourself (or hire someone for the task), or opt for yacht transportation. The latter is typically the better choice because it’s safer and more cost-effective (especially over long distances).


When you are choosing a yacht transportation company, make sure you choose someone capable of transporting your precious commodity without damaging it. If you are in Florida, you can check out Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, a trustworthy and revered yacht transportation company in Florida. 

Different yacht transporters have different capabilities, and the choice may also differ based on your yacht size. Small yachts, typically 39 feet or under (also called cabin cruisers), can be transported via container shipping. But larger yacht and luxury vessel transportation typically requires deck cargo method, where the yacht is lifted and placed on the deck of the transporter via a crane.

The following tips are geared more towards deck cargo based yacht transport, and they aren’t just for yacht owners, but manufacturers who hire the services of such yacht transporters for delivering their products to buyers. 

Yacht for Transportation Preparation Tips

A couple of the tips might be different for sailing and motoring yachts, but most apply to both types yachts.

1. You need to have insurance way before your yacht is loaded to the transporter. Most yacht transportation companies offer voyage insurance as part of the package, but please be sure to read all the terms and conditions before signing off.

2. Take pictures of your yacht from different angles, both before and after the transport. If the transportation company mishandled your yacht and got it scrapped or damaged, you will need proof of damage.

3. Secure everything inside and outside the yacht. On the outside, make sure you’ve secured everything that reaches beyond the hull. These are the things that can easily get damaged during loading or unloading. Shut off all open windows, entrances, and doors for the interior. If any of the cabinet doors are loose, tape them shut.

4. Provide accurate information to the yacht transportation company beforehand. That includes dimensions and actual weight. Ensure the dimensions are precise because if you are allotted inadequate space based on the measurements you sent in, and they have already booked spaces on all sides of your yacht, you may face delay or damage.

5. If the yacht is already in your use, make sure to remove all personal items and prohibited items from your yacht. You also need to ensure that your ship is not carrying any fuel or water. You may also need to flush your tanks.

6. If your yacht needs to cross international waters, make sure you talk to the transporter ahead of time and prepare all the relevant documents. Also, power down everything, and unplug any batteries present in the vessel. If you have a sailing yacht, you’ll need to remove and secure the sail not to overstep any height restrictions.



The best way to ensure that your yacht is transported to its destination without any damage or problems is to find an excellent transporter, one that specializes in yacht transportation. And you will want to talk to them as early in the process as possible. They may have their own guidelines for preparing the yacht for transport, which you’ll need to follow.

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